Sunday, January 31, 2010


*I went to the gym and had a really good cardio workout! My mileage is flyign by this week. I'm three days into my week (starting on Fridays as that was teh first day of the the year) and I've alrady got 45 miles down!!!!

*My food has been entered onto E-tools (I keep track of my foods on e-tools). Interesting thing to note.....when you go through all of your weekly points and go into the negative, it turns bright red. A bright red warning! I was able to update my activity points and it brought me back into the positive....but it's all entered!


WWSuzi said...

Wow, you are rocking those miles!!

VRaz60 said...

Look at you go!! BRAVO!

Teresa said...

Way to go on your bike. I bought a WIDE seat for mine, but needs some adjusting. Me and those tiny banana seats just don't work well together. Your gonna pass your goal for this year, I can feel it. :)