Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Is it Saturday yet???

Monday and now Tuesday....bring on Saturday!  Yes I seem to live for my weekends!!!!   (Who doesn't??)

This post is going to be a little of this and a little of that.... so buckle up.....

This last weekend was low key for us.   Jason has been fighting off a cold for the last week.   It hasn't gotten horrible but it was annoying for him.   He had said that he wanted to get outside and hike or something...but he was still feeling rough when the weekend rolled around and I put my foot down and said 'light activity' only!!!  (In fairness to him he didn't put up any resistance!).  We had to make a return to REI, we hit up some 'mini zoos' (aka pet stores), hit up two small museums (Fairfax Museum and the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum) and just took it easy!   

So no mad miles for me to help my 2017 in 2017 goal this past weeken.   Lots of thoughts on that goal though...maybe tomorrow's post if I have the words formulated in my mind by then!!!!

I did run yesterday morning.  It was surprisingly not a bad run.  I'm still 2-3 minutes slower than my lowest average pace...but as I lose weight and run more that will improve!   Consistency!!!

Eating....grrrr. Yesterday I went off the rails with my eating!!! Over 2 k calories....and if truth be known since Friday I have been up near 1800 calories.   I need to rein that in...badly!!! 

Water consumption....in actually doing pretty good.   I basically take a bottle of water to bed and I break my day into two hour increments and tell myself that I have to finish a bottle every two hours.  So right now I'm saying that my bottle has to be don't by 10....I will then refill it from the water cooler and my challenge is to finish that one by 12...so on and so forth!    Weekends I do pretty good because jason drinks a lot...and it's easy to remember to drink when someone else is drinking water which reminds me!!!

Weight...so far holding steady.  We will know tomorrow at my official weigh in!!!!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Low key weekends are fun, too.